The State Electricity Regulatory Commission will hold its 269th regular session at its seat (Tuzla, Đorđa Mihajlovića 4/II) on Wednesday, 8 December 2021, commencing at 13:00 hrs. The following agenda is proposed:

  1. Adoption of the minutes of the 268th regular session held on 17 November 2021
  2. Passing a Decision on setting of coefficients and price caps for ancillary services
  3. Passing a Decision on revocation of the licence for the international electricity trading activity granted to “LE Trading BH” d.o.o. Banja Luka
  4. Passing a Decision on approval and application of the Grid Code
  5. Passing the decisions on payment of the regulatory fee for 2022

The session will be open to the public. Interested persons may attend the session with no right of direct participation.

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